Top Recommended Tools
The Top Tools You Need as a REALTOR to Succeed At Every Level
Welcome to the SeeVirtual’s Business Resources section, a curated list of the tools and services we strongly recommend for building and optimizing your real estate business. We either use, have tested, or have multiple top clients that we work with using every recommendation on this page. Many of the resources listed here are crucial to running our client’s business and our business.
Before learning about these awesome resources we know and trust, an important disclosure:
Some of the links below are referral or affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, you may get an additional benefit or discount that you would not otherwise get. Further, SeeVirtual may get a benefit or earn a commission. The benefit to SeeVirtual comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand that we have experience with all of these companies, and we recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small benefits or commissions we make if you decide to use them yourself. We put these partnerships or relationships in place to try and get our clients extra benefits. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
Websites for REALTORS
Real Estate Websites Made Easy
All our TOP clients (and I mean ALL our top clients) use Ubertor. They get the most traffic and most number of leads. Now, we’ve got hundreds of other clients that use a variety of other real estate website platforms and we support 95% of those platforms, but none of them get our clients traffic and leads like Ubertor does. You do need to set your Ubertor website up correctly for the neighbourhood(s) and area(s) you’ll be targeting, but once it is set-up right, oh boy does it work. It works so well, a number of clients create additional niche websites or building specific websites with Ubertor to totally dominate the traffic and leads.
We are a Platinum Approved Vendor for them and as a result can offer you a discount to get 4 Months for Only $1. In addition, since we’ve discovered the key ingredients of what things you need to do with an Ubertor website and who you should get to set it up for you, sign-up here, and we’ll give you access to this exclusive deal and checklist.
Social Media Posting

CityBlastSocial Media Done For You(at a fraction of the cost of hiring an individual)To scale your real estate business, you can’t do it by scaling your time (i.e. working more hours to do more – your income will be capped by the hours in a day which is limited). We find most our clients get too busy during the season to keep on top of their social media OR they have done the calculation to figure out how much their time is worth AND what the Opportunity Cost is of them doing activities like finding articles to post on social media, or posting to craigslist, or filling out a Feature Sheet template. Agents that earn the most money do not spend their time doing these activities. They spend their time on the phone, in front of their clients or prospects, or managing the people and companies to direct their marketing. And you DON’T need to hire someone for $250/month, $500/month or thousands per month for a “social media” person. You’re wasting your money. CityBlast provides you with a team of social media experts that will curate content that your clients, friends, and followers will actually click on and read. They ensure your social media profiles don’t look like a ghost town and that you aren’t active anymore, went out of business, or are doing real estate part-time on the side. You pick the topics and they find and post the content for you. They also find local content to your city. You can still post if you happen to see something you want to share but they’ll post however many days a week you want them to. We use CityBlast to post content to our company Facebook and Twitter accounts daily. We’ve partnered with CityBlast to get you 20% off the lifetime of your account. Use the code SEEVIRTUAL when signing up. You’ll also get a FREE 2-week trail to test it out. |
SendOutCardsPersonalized Follow-up With Cards & Gifts Made SimpleWe use SendOutCards to thank our clients for referrals, feedback, and just because they are great clients! We also have helped some of our clients use it to send Purchase Anniversary and/or Birthday cards & gifts to their clients AUTOMATICALLY. The best part is that you can schedule these cards & gifts in advance, so that throughout the year, as you are busy (or relaxing) the cards and gifts are being sent automatically ahead of your client’s special date so it shows up on time. You can even include your signature, pictures, and even brand the cards to match your branding. Did we mention that the cards and gifts are WAY LESS EXPENSIVE than buying a card or gift in the store. And you can do it all online in minutes. No more driving to stores or to the post office to get this done (that alone makes it worth it for your or your assistant). We cannot understate the importance of this type of personalized follow-up. The excitement and experience of getting a surprise gift in the mail is HUGE. And it’s WAY different than getting a mass Christmas card or marketing campaign that people assume went out to everyone on your list. It’s timing is unique to your client only so they know you didn’t sent this to everyone in the neighbourhood – you are just so thoughtful and care so much about your clients personally, that you remembered and took the time to get something and send it to them at just the right time!! NOW THAT IS POWERFUL and that will ensure your clients come back to you when it’s time to buy or sell again AND they are more likely to refer you because of the psychology of reciprocity – people want to do something nice for you, if you’ve done something nice and unexpected for them. SendOutCards system is easy to use and includes an app for your phone so you can send one-off cards on the go (like after meeting someone new or a group at an event). If you snap a picture on your phone of you together and then send that in a personalized “nice to meet/see you” card with your handwriting & signature, it goes a long long way to them never forgetting you – nobody does that in today’s email/text driven world. As we want our clients to maintain and grow their sphere and get referrals (as it usually means more listing marketing orders for us), we’ve set it up with SendOutCards so that you can send a Card and Gift for FREE on us (try the delicious brownies) to someone you know or a client to try it out. Be sure to include your phone number and see the reaction you get. Please then share the reaction you get with us. |
G Suite for REALTORS®(Google Apps for Business)Cloud based email, calendar, contacts, storage, and moreThis along with your website should for the base of your Real Estate business. We use G Suite and it is one of the best changes our company ever made. Our IT cost plummeted and made on-boarding new team members so easy. As a professional REALTOR®, you should NOT be using an, @gmail, @shaw, or @telus email address. It wreaks of a part-time, side-job, I-am-not-good-with-technology real estate agent. You can have your own email address on your domain like [email protected] for only $5/month. It’s gmail for business in addition to a suite of Google services included. It easily connects and syncs with your phone, iPad, and computer so your emails, contacts, and calendar are all synced and also allows you to login from any computer to access them if you need to. The biggest thing is that it allows you a single sign-on a password for your email, YouTube Channel, Google Business page, Google Analytics and thousands of other services like Dropbox, Ubertor, RingCentral that will let you use your Google credentials to login. The Suite of cloud services includes:
You can get a 14-Day free trial OR you can get 20% OFF your first year AND at 14-Day Free trial. And it’s only $7/month to begin with!! This is a no-brainer. |
RingCentralCloud based phone system for Mobile Professionals and TeamsDo you ever wish that you didn’t have to give out your cell phone number to all your prospects and clients? Wish that you could separate your personal and work calls but have it all come to the same phone? What about being in more control where and when people call you? Maybe you want calls to come to you direct at certain times of the day and be routed to the office or answering service at other times or days of the week without having to give out separate numbers or and have an inconsistent experience when the phone is answered? What about routing calls to someone else when you are on vacation? Well, you can!! RingCentral has very flexible and easy to setup rules that give you that kind of control that you can change on the fly. You can also create a more professional and branded introduction and if you’ve got a team or assistants, allow people to decide who they want to talk with before connecting the call – all from a single number. Here are just a few of the benefits from a REALTORS® point of view: